Knowing the Alienators

Most of the stories of alienated mothers are strikingly similar. The alienators can seem very similar, as if all of us alienated mothers were married to the same alienator. Pathological traits can look very similar and predictable.

Alienation is the vengeful outcome of disordered abusers and is a continuation of abuse that was already occurring in other ways and other levels – physical, mental, emotional, psychological, sexual and spiritual.

Alienation isn’t an accidental occurrence because a parent occasionally stated angry words about the other parent. It is deliberate, systematic, methodical programming using gaslighting to manipulate and brainwash, such as with a cult.

There is not much that can be done with the disordered as they are not typically looking to change what they are fine with and works for them to get what they want.

Despite our similar stories, we mothers are unique with various differences, as are our children. Some seem to be more susceptible to alienation than others.

Alienators have a combination of Cluster B disorders. Only the targeted parents will know the true combination from experience since alienators will not be tested. Out of the Fog lists and describes the Cluster B disorders.

But we can be educated for self-protection and to protect our children. Perhaps as awareness and understanding expands on pathology and the outcome of alienation, mental health and regulations in the legal system can also evolve to protect victims of alienators.

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