To the Alienator

Following is a powerful post from today that was written by a new member of the Empowered Alienated Moms Facebook group. It expresses sentiments that can be shared by many frustrated, targeted alienated moms on the injustice and abuse that is parental alienation.

Her sense of empowerment also represents the hope for the group, alienated moms and all alienated parents.

“Watching you cause emotional, psychological, harm to my children is the most horrible of experiences I’ve ever had. You are the most dysfunctional of people I know.

They now live with the unease I once did. Too scared to stir you up, they play advocate to your damaged soulless being. I can’t reach them. They are like programmed weapons of war.

I read everything I can on this situation. I have all the information I need.
I feel for others who are met with this same hell. I want to fight. I can’t play along anymore with something that is so obviously damaging to my children.

I am different today. I am strong and I am fearless. I will be seeing you exposed as the demon you are one day. I will have validation. You will be seen I promise.

We will all be free of you one day.”

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